dpv:IncreaseServiceRobustness leaf node




Increase Service Robustness


improve the robustness and resilience of services


Instances of dpv:IncreaseServiceRobustness can have the following properties:

From class dpv:Purpose
dpv:hasContext rdf:Property Indiciates a purpose is restricted to the specified context(s) dpv:Context
From class owl:Thing
dpv:hasAddress rdf:Property Specifies address of a legal entity such as street address or pin code owl:Thing
dpv:hasAlgorithmicLogic rdf:Property Indicates the logic used in procdessing such as for automated decision making owl:Thing
dpv:hasConsentNotice rdf:Property The actual notice that the Data Subject received to consent to, either a text or link to a document, which should be usable to decide whether the form or consent was compliant to legislation, e.g. documenting how the user has been informed about rights and implications (such as, right to data portability,right to recitffy, right to erasure, right to restrict processing, right to object, rights regarding automated decision making or profiling, processors, third parties, sub-processors, outside-EEA transfers, automated decision-making, or other necessary details of the privacy-policy). Can be TextOrDocumentOrURI. owl:Thing
dpv:hasConsequences rdf:Property Indicates consequences of processing such as for those for Data Subjects in relation to automated decision making owl:Thing
dpv:hasContact rdf:Property Specifies contact details of a legal entity such as phone or email owl:Thing
dpv:hasDataController rdf:Property Indicates association with a Data Controller. owl:Thing
dpv:hasDataSource rdf:Property Indicates the source or origin of data being processed owl:Thing
dpv:hasDataSubject rdf:Property Indicates association with a specific Data Subject or a group or category of Data Subjects. owl:Thing
dpv:hasDuration rdf:Property Indicates information about duration owl:Thing
dpv:hasExpiry rdf:Property Generic property specifying when or under which condition(s) the consent will expire owl:Thing
dpv:hasExpiryCondition rdf:Property Can be TextOrDocumentOrURI owl:Thing
dpv:hasExpiryTime rdf:Property Specifies the expiry time or duration for consent time:TemporalEntity
dpv:hasHumanInvolvement rdf:Property Human involvement is also relevant to 'human in the loop' owl:Thing
dpv:hasIdentifier rdf:Property Specifies an identifier for the entity such as registeration number or official ID owl:Thing
dpv:hasLegalBasis rdf:Property Indicates applicability of a Legal Basis. owl:Thing
dpv:hasLocation rdf:Property Indicates information about location owl:Thing
dpv:hasName rdf:Property Specifies name of a legal entity owl:Thing
dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory rdf:Property Indicates association with a Personal Data Category. owl:Thing
dpv:hasProcessing rdf:Property Indicates association with a Processing (of personal data) instance or category. owl:Thing
dpv:hasProvisionBy rdf:Property Normally this would be the dataSubject, but in some exceptional cases, the consent might be given on behalf by someone else, e.g. parents of minors. dpv:LegalEntity
dpv:hasProvisionByJustification rdf:Property This field can be used to proivde a justification why the provision was provided by another DataSubject or legal entity, e.g. declariing the relationship (parent, guardian), in combination with the field provisionBy owl:Thing
dpv:hasProvisionMethod rdf:Property Can be used to record information of how consent was provided e.g. by a click to a form, in writing, etc., by logging into a system and confirm per email, or with some additional authentication, etc. owl:Thing
dpv:hasProvisionTime rdf:Property Specifies the instant in time when consent was given time:Instant
dpv:hasPurpose rdf:Property Indicates assocation with a Purpose (of processing personal data). owl:Thing
dpv:hasRecipient rdf:Property Indicates a recipient of personal data. owl:Thing
dpv:hasRepresentative rdf:Property Specifies representative of the legal entity owl:Thing
dpv:hasRight rdf:Property Indicates applicability of a Right. owl:Thing
dpv:hasRisk rdf:Property Indicates applicability of a Risk. owl:Thing
dpv:hasStorage rdf:Property Indicates information about storage owl:Thing
dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure rdf:Property Indicates use of a Technical or Organisational measure. owl:Thing
dpv:hasWithdrawalBy rdf:Property Normally this would be the dataSubject, but in some exceptional cases, the consent might be withdraawn on behalf by someone else, e.g. parents of minors. dpv:LegalEntity
dpv:hasWithdrawalByJustification rdf:Property This field can be used to proivde a justification why the weithdrawal was done by another DataSubject or legal entity, e.g. declariing the relationship (parent, guardian), in combination with the field withdrawalBy owl:Thing
dpv:hasWithdrawalMethod rdf:Property Can be used to record information of how to withdraw consent, e.g. by a click to a form, in writing, etc., by logging into a system and confirm per email, or with some additional authentication, etc. owl:Thing
dpv:hasWithdrawalTime rdf:Property Specifies the instant in time when consent was withdrawn time:Instant
dpv:isExplicit rdf:Property The conditions for what is considered 'explicit consent' differ by norms and laws. xsd:boolean
dpv:measureImplementedBy rdf:Property a generic Property to describe how the measure is implemented owl:Thing
dpv:mitigatesRisk rdf:Property Indicates mitigation of risk(s) owl:Thing


@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix dpv: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dpv#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sw: <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

dpv:IncreaseServiceRobustness a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Increase Service Robustness"@en ;
    dct:created "2019-04-05"^^xsd:date ;
    dct:creator "Axel Polleres"^^xsd:string,
        "Elmar Kiesling"^^xsd:string,
        "Fajar Ekaputra"^^xsd:string,
        "Harshvardhan J. Pandit"^^xsd:string,
        "Javier Fernandez"^^xsd:string,
        "Simon Steyskal"^^xsd:string ;
    dct:description "improve the robustness and resilience of services"@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf dpv:OptimisationForController ;
    sw:term_status "accepted"@en .